Send me pics from your CD Covers

I found these CD covers, done by friends, musicians, lovers. What a pitty that this art dies by the streaming services. You will never mix an own „tape“ or CD and create your own Cover.

CD Covers
CD Covers, CD, Covers, Cover Art

I loved it to get these lovely Covers. And to do it by myself.


I saw that airship with a low noise driving over my house. How you say in english when an airship flyies? In german we say driving.
Since a few weeks I´m on instagram, yes i did it.

airship, trigema, porsche
airship,. trigema, porsche

My biggest surprise was, that Trigema like my photo. Social Media Advertising works.

Now i have to prepare my next job. It is for Porsche Press Conference at the IAA 2017.

In future more about my latest work here.