Unbelievable, one month ago when i wrote the last comment. With what I´m occupied? I´m stocked with my Barbies Comic project. What I cannot solve is the backgrounds. I cannot draw, I don´t want to do handcraft. Realy it is not my favorite. So, how i can create the world where my Barbies are living? Of course i could do photo collage. But my idea is to mix it with different styles. For example to draw the background in black and white drawing. Or mix it with some model sets in combination with a greenscreen.
The pic above shows my first works. It is shot with color filtered flash on the background. That gives a nice background and i can change the colors into the mood of the story. This style guide the concentration to the puppets. What I`m missing is the world in which the Barbies living. For example the first scene plays in a bar. How looks the bar, what are they doing in the bar? I know it, but alone with colors I cannot express their life.