Not Munich, I arrived in Frankfurt. The story is short, the ways were long and in a hurry. The flight was delayed in Xi`an. One and a half hour later. So we didn´t get our Lufthansa flight. My job at the 13. was cancelled, so I thought no matter. But for the other was it different. So they managed that we get the other flight to Frankfurt. We know that flight, because collegues were flying to Frankfurt. We met them in the plane.

More about my impressions, what I learned and about my trip, my ideas for the future I will write on sunday. Tomorrow at 16.09.14. I have job, the 16.09.16 I help a friend shooting a music band. Finally I have time on sunday.
The chance to see the National Ballett in Xi`an, a rehearsal at the Big Wall in Xi`an and a lot of other thoughts.
Hope to see you again here. I will continue my blog. And yes, moving pictures – videos should be implemented too.
How i can do the website that the chinese friends can see the pics and videos too.

Daily breakfast