Today it would be her 93th birthday. Nice to remember her. She died in high age of 89 years and had a fulfilled life.
I know, she didn´t like when i travelled so far travel. On the otherside, i know she loved it too. In her youth she tried to moved to Africa for work to stay there. So dear Mum from whom we have it, that all we kids want to go into the outland? I know you would say it. Oh yes, when she believed something she discusses hard but fair 🙂 I guess other can tell you stories of her political and social life about her. Everyone accepted her and were respectful.
This evening i go out to shoot a short video about the musicians. My massage doctor wouldn`t like it. But what shall i say. My daughter asked when you do the next video? How about cooking in China. Janne loves chinese dishes.
That remember me about our, with young Jinan people. They started to discuss a while. Than Coco translated to me, they discussed the topic which is the best or hippest restaurant in town. It is important in China. We want to create a Webisode, a series for the Web short and good 🙂 what else, or.
Yesterday i learned something else. We sit in the restaurant and didn´t ordered something. Just when i asked if I can order something for all, the owner presented us 4 drinks. Unbelievable. More strange is that young people sitting in the restaurants without ordering a drink or something to eat for example by starbucks. Could you imagine what they will say in Germany. Germany wake up!
Another story about generation or is it because I´m stranger. They opened the bottles, the drink of the owner at least when i opened it. And I waited if they want open it. And if they not died they you can still sitting them there on the chairs waiting how open at first the drink 😉 I love such stories, written by life.