Upcoming story

The cook where we take breakfast or dinner. Sometimes we took the dinner at home, sitting on the balcony enjoyed the food and the view. The warm night wind or the mosquitos 🙁 a spray against mosquitos helped a lot.

I asked Roy the cook, if he knows some musician for another idea. The first meeting doesn´t work. The aritist don´t come. I asked Roy: Can i shoot you preparing your food. When do you start cooking? Roy answered: 6 am. Not my time, but i said: Ok, in over tomorrow i come. He doesn´t believe, i guess. When i came on wednesday at 6 am, he looked with big eyes. We enjoyed our time working together.

The film is finishe in the first editing, now sound, colorcorrectiong and final editing. Than you will see a great breakfast preapring!

Belva and Roy at the Interview

Woodfire Montego Bay
the second shooting day


Back in Germany. As usual it was a to short trip to Jamaica. Nevermind, better short than never 🙂

It was a wonderful stay by Belva we had a great time, even she got sometimes crazy with the german, who question her all the time, about the same. Sometimes she thought talking with a wall. But i get more and more information how everything works.

you have to be at home at the sunset, latest when it became dark. An it goes fast, the sunset.

This is my daily view for breakfast and dinner. A real great time and i met wonderful people.

Montego Bay
The balcony on the second floor.

IAA & others

It was great driving by bicycle to the fare. With the bike it was a few minutes around where i stayed. This morning was hard, 6:15 a.m. it was dark, still. I wake up on the bike. Than we had the TV feeds, the first was CNBS and others.

Later comes the Press Conference. It works great and a realy great team! I enjoy to work with them. Let´s see if I can upload the photos of the secret new car. Now it is published and I can publish it too.

IAA Franlkfurt 2015 Porsche presents the Mission E car. It was the first look of the car.
IAA Franlkfurt 2015 Porsche presents the Mission E car. It was the first look of the car.

IAA & others

It was great driving by bicycle to the fare. With the bike it was a few minutes around where i stayed. This morning was hard, 6:15 a.m. it was dark, still. I wake up on the bike. Than we had the TV feeds, the first was CNBS and others.

Later comes the Press Conference. It works great and a realy great team! I enjoy to work with them. Let´s see if I can upload the photos of the secret new car. Now it is published and I can publish it too.

IAA Franlkfurt 2015 Porsche presents the Mission E car. It was the first look of the car.
IAA Franlkfurt 2015 Porsche presents the Mission E car. It was the first look of the car.

Showreel & IAA Frankfurt

Geschafft, mein neues Showreel endlich auf 2 Minuten gekürzt und geschnitten. Habe lange überlegt wie ich wohl all das unterschiedliche Material so gekürzt bekomme, dass der Zuschauer trotzdem einen Eindruck von meiner sehr unterschiedlichen Arbeit erhält. Eine Anregung aus dem Netz, regte mich dazu an, es mal radikal zu versuchen. Der ihr Showreel dauert ca. 1 Minute 20. Dokumentarfilme brauchen eine gewisse Zeit, damit man den Inhalt versteht. Ich bin zufrieden.

Übermorgen geht es los nach Frankfurt, mal sehen wie die PK für Porsche wird. Danach noch 1 Drehtag und auf geht´s in den Urlaub. Mehr darüber und wohin demnächst hier.


Ready with my showreel. I managed it do edit it to 2 minutes. Not easy for me. Documentaryfilms needs longer that you understand what happens in the film. Finally i managed and i`m satisfied!

Over tomorrow i go the the IAA Frankfurt for the Press Conference of Porsche. Another day of shoot and than i start my holiday. Be curious where i will go.

Showreel & IAA Frankfurt

Geschafft, mein neues Showreel endlich auf 2 Minuten gekürzt und geschnitten. Habe lange überlegt wie ich wohl all das unterschiedliche Material so gekürzt bekomme, dass der Zuschauer trotzdem einen Eindruck von meiner sehr unterschiedlichen Arbeit erhält. Eine Anregung aus dem Netz, regte mich dazu an, es mal radikal zu versuchen. Der ihr Showreel dauert ca. 1 Minute 20. Dokumentarfilme brauchen eine gewisse Zeit, damit man den Inhalt versteht. Ich bin zufrieden.

Übermorgen geht es los nach Frankfurt, mal sehen wie die PK für Porsche wird. Danach noch 1 Drehtag und auf geht´s in den Urlaub. Mehr darüber und wohin demnächst hier.


Ready with my showreel. I managed it do edit it to 2 minutes. Not easy for me. Documentaryfilms needs longer that you understand what happens in the film. Finally i managed and i`m satisfied!

Over tomorrow i go the the IAA Frankfurt for the Press Conference of Porsche. Another day of shoot and than i start my holiday. Be curious where i will go.