360° Video from the movie ‚Herr Berger sucht einen Sohn‘

From the 2nd and 3nd shooting day for the movie ‚Mr. Berger is searching a son‘ the next Rehearsal 360° Video. A rehearsal is realy a good situation for 360video. Look around, or turn yoursefl with a tablet or smartphone to see the whole action. Enjoy it.

360video Trailer

Don’t worry about the quality, if it is bad, you have bad Internet connecton. So wait a while until everything is loaded. Vimeo is not realy build for big data. Nevermind.

Another shooting day

Last weekend we we continous with the movie: „Herr Berger sucht einen Sohn – Mr. Berger is searching a son“. Two days of hard working and fun. The cattering organised from Thomas is great. On sunday he cooked beside playing his role a lunch. Unbelievable and thank. Now, I get a better feeling for the whole story. For a No Budget Movie all gives their best. Imagine what we can create with a Budget we will rock the scenes. I’m satisfied how we work. In morning i’m a little slow.
Here a few photos

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New is the way of improvisation at the set. That means, we create the scene directly on the set. That needs a bit more time. But the result is great. Here some photos from the last shoot.