It never stops learning, still after over 30 years in the film business. I went out to shoot a sculpture for my 360artinpublicspaces. I found some strange podgy thing on the back of the a sculpture. Suddenly a rescue helicopter lands on the roof the hospital beside the parc. I thought yes, on the right time at the right place. It looks amazing. I positioned the 360camera beside a sculptures head. I was happy like a young boy.
At home on the screen the big disappointment comes. It was like a fly shit on the horizont. you see nothing. Of course at home i realize, the 360cam has a super wide lens. Learning never stops. Have a nice day.
The Green U as 360video
Walk from City downtown to uptown through the parcs. German explanation you find on my other website
In three 360video I show the way. If you stay as Tourist in Stuttgart, it a must to see and to enjoy the Walk. Unbelievable 8 kilometers you can go throught parcs up the hill. Better do it like I did. Go by bus up to Killesberg and walk downhill to the center. You can discover wonderful places. On my youtube channel or on my vimeo channel you can see 360videos. Enjoy it!