I couldn´t stay the whole day in the hotel room. No way. Over the hottest time i slept, did some soft gymnastics. The best was a very hot shower and at least I take a pill against pain. After one hour i must leave. It is the warm, fresh evening of Jinan. I go to the last place in that nice coffee bar. There is a very nice, friendly waitress. Of course the waiter is friendly as her. But she greats me so nice. I love it. Every time it is a pleasure to great us. This makes my day!
Unluckily she doesn´t speak english. Or she is to shy to talk. Often young woman are to shy to speak. I would like to ask her about some points of my short film idea.
The wide angle lens i put out of my backpack. I thought it helps my toubling neck and shoulder. I like to write so the netbook must come with me. She waves when I enter the coffee bar. It is nice if you feel a bit at home. I order my late macciato and sit outside. I breath the warmness and fresh win, start my netbook and write.
It works, I wrote the idea from the beginning to the end. And unbelievable i rewrite it and it works again. I become better. It is the second short film story I wrote in the last time with which i´m satisfied. For the first i got a compliment from a singer.
This time it happens the very first time to me. I`m writing the end of my idea and suddenly i get wet eyes. Because of the tragically end. Amazing, isn´t it. I`m touched by my own story. That means, i must direct this story. The story has to be shown on screen.
It is a story about the pressure for students in our society with a tragical Love-Story. At the end there is a small positive hope.
At least, even the day starts not so well, it turns into a wonderful, successful evening. No i have to continue, keep going.