Two days ago, I shooted the BAND at the same place. It was a warm real summer day. In the beginning Lian has to repair his keypboard. A good keyboard player can do this directly there. It works and the show starts. In the beginning it was no many people there. Later comes more and they had a real good show. There show is always with some talks, jokes with the audiences. This time two young woman are charming or otherside around. I mean I didn´t understand one word. I couldn´t read the gesture 🙂 At the end it looks like they never want stop playing real musicians.
After our the first meeting i got this pic via Wechat. So what was her first thought, i think by myself. In the night he tells, he is film maker and than she looks in the internet and find something real weired. It can happen if you always takes the mainstream dot com 😉
Back the evening before. Finaly Coco finds my dot.tv website. Unluckily she couldn´t watch any of my videos. Because you have all other China internet access, but it is mostly not fast enough. A task to solve, when I´m back home in Germany. I will find a way for my chinese friends.

Coco and Rich joined us later at the street music. The wanted to see what i did before. They liked what they see. Even i`m not satisfied with all. Some Tech specs, i shoot Full HD video with 6400 ASA, mostly f2.8. Keep it sharp is my trouble.
The Coco is a real blooger girl. Immediately she put her thumb up. I was to late to shoot it. I had to please her to do it again, than i got her thumb and her lovely laught. You will never think what kind of sport she is doing, or perhap yeah?
Later i showed them a few videos I did. From SIEMENS over art and first cell phone festival films. A wide range of films i realized showing them my work. I found two fans of my work. Tha´s nice too.