art & reports

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The Opening of Nippon Connection 2015

Start of the japanese Film Festival
Start of the japanese Film Festival

From the beginning it was such a lot of interesting films and which director i have to choose, when i didn´t know his/her films. Start and letz´s see.


Going to Nippon Connection 2015


Preparing myself for the Nippon Connection 2015
Let´s see what happen this year. And whom i will met. They have such good filsm there, it´s amazing!!!


Hoppenlau Lyric

Hoppenlau parc Stuttgart
Hoppenlau parc Stuttgart

The Hoppenlau parc is an old cemetry in the center of Stuttgart. It is very nice place to relax. A lot of squirrels are there. They are crazy for nuts, that they climbed up my tripod. With the actress Ludmilla Euler. I loved it to work with words and film. The music is from Keyaki, you find it scrolling down.



Nippon Connection 2014

Ayumi Sakamoto
Ayumi Sakamoto | director of FORMA

A young talented director. It was a long amazing interview about her first movie. As she said an arty movie. She started as lighting, camerawoman and switched to directing.


Room Service Baden-Baden

Remembering-Shadows Kunsthalle Baden-Baden

Remembering Shadows | what remains from us a media performance
Byung Chul Kim invited me with my pervormance „Remembering Shadows“.
He was invited from the Kunsthalle Baden-Baden.


Ludwigsburg International Street Music Festival

Keyaki Narusawa

Keyaki is a real great character. It was fun to work with him. Call his music world music, a mix of japanese, australian and african tribes and instruments.




10. Ludwigsburger Strassen Musik Festival traf ich eine echt abgefahrene Truppe aus Katalanien südlilch von Barcelona.
10 Ludwigsburger International Street Music Festival comes the winner band from Catalania south of Barcelona / Spain.
Great musician with an amazing show. We had a lot of fun. And not only nonsens, with a humuor view of the society.


Performance Express | Saarbrücken – Metz  from Byung Chul Kim

Das Bild entstand im Cafe des Centre Pompidou Museum – Metz. Während die anderen Künstler ihre Performances im Museum vorführten, saß ich im Cafe und schnitt unsere Video-Performance „Reisen“. Wir, meine Tochter Janne und ich, waren eingeladen am „Performance-Express Saarbrücken – Metz“ teilzunehmen. Unsere Idee war innerhalb von 3 Minuten die Reisenden über das Reisen reflektieren zu lassen. Die Zeit visualisierten wir mittels einer Eier-Sanduhr. Die Fahrgäste hatten innerhalb dieser 3 Minuten Zeit, mit einer kleinen Cam ihre Gedanken, Impressionen auf Video aufzunehmen. Ich schnitt dies innerhalb einiger Stunden zu einem Clip, der anschließend auf der Rückfahrt den Gästen per Beamer vorgeführt wurde. Ein voller Erfolg. Drehen – Schneiden – Vorführen.

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